Giving out…

Hello people, Please pardon our absence, it’s been crazy busy around here with lots of shuffling and readjustment but we promise to try and publish posts as regularly as we can… So, earlier this week, on behalf of the Foundation, Olayinka Odumosu gave out food items to some aged folks in a home. IMG-20150519-WA0002 IMG-20150519-WA0003 We encourage you to create the habit of giving in your community.  It could range from clothing items to footwear to foodstuff, allow them to benefit from your resources… Giving never had its disadvantage, it always brings joy not to just receiver but the giver as well… Please share and subscribe… Thank you…

Why Social Work?

Today, we’re bringing you something fresh from GENO’s Project Coordinator, Olayinka Odumosu, who is also a blogger. Be sure to check out her blog at for innovative, inspiring write-ups.



So “why is social work important?”

This ties into why I chose the profession. I believe we do need Social Workers as the world, the systems and people in it do not support or protect everyone.

I know there are restrictions, limitations, politics and a lot of cynicism. There are going to be times when we have to exercise our power for the lesser of two evils, which is a hurdle we will all deal with when we come to it.

But to me, Social Work is the profession that allows you to fight for people’s rights, protect the vulnerable, support those who need support. It allows you to have a positive impact on others, if they so choose.

It allows you as a practitioner to work with a varied and diverse group of people, to learn and experience a multifaceted life that is consistently dynamic and evolving. It allows you to try and tackle the wicked issues, to help empower others to solve their own problems, to make a difference (hopefully for the better) to individuals lives.

It teaches you continuously about all the different aspects of humanity and allows you to learn a lot about yourself. Social Work allows you to work on varying levels of the society, to have a hand in changing it and to push forward to a fairer, more equal and just society.

Being a Social worker could literally mean the difference between life and death for one person and to me that says it all, therefore makes it worth having, worth continually learning and training for, worth making it a true profession and worth fighting for and continually developing it.

That is why I choose to be part of it and value it. That is why I look forward to the coming years and being involved in it. That is why I am proud to call myself a Social Worker (in training- I NEVER KNOW IT ALL!).
I keep Learning Every day!

There’s nothing to be proud of in being able to put others down

Have a Fantastic weekend ahead… Be sure to intervene positively in the life of someone… Please use the share buttons below and also subscribe to get mail notifications… Thanks.

Our Intro – Restoring Hope

genoWe are GENO Hope Alive Foundation (GHAF), an NGO situated in Surulere, Lagos, Nigeria. Our mandate is to fulfill its quota in the social reformation of the nation. We achieve this by identifying women and children from disadvantaged homes and in vulnerable situations. We help improve their standard of living by providing and educating them on life choices to enable them live optimally. Lets give you an insight…

The Background


Ifeoma, an 18 year old orphan, lives with her aunt and grandmother. Due to the lack of proper parental care, monitoring and desperation to achieve sustenance; she becomes associated with the wrong crowd, entangles herself in several relationships and ends up pregnant. After a while, she discovers she has contracted HIV. Her family wants nothing to do with her and so does every one else.


Labake, a 16 year old, goes to write an entrance exam into the higher institution and gets raped by her distant cousin. Her hope of having a bright future becomes shattered, her dreams broken as she has a new path designed for her to course as a teenage mother.


Bolanle, a widow and mother of five children is struggling to cater for her family with no help from any relatives. Burdened with a mentally challenged daughter, no source of income and no skill, she makes difficult decisions daily in the bid to survive.

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Our Intervention

GHAF identifies such young women through various means ( referral, field search etc), helps to rehabilitate and mentor them. These women are helped to ensure stability through intervention programs that embrace, educate and empower them.

Let us have one loud voice in securing hope and dignity for these women….



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